Disney Vacation Package
Do you have a Disney vacation package?
Is it time to sell that Disney vacation?
If you have used a Disney vacation package in the past, you know how great they are. Everyone in the family has a wonderful time. At Disney-timeshare-sale.com we know this is the best way to vacation. Unlike many of the timeshares on the market today, the Disney vacation package works on a point system. That makes vacationing flexible and the owner can choose from over 20 different sites. All of them are magical with top of the line amenities.
Sometimes circumstances change and timeshare owners’ decide to sell the Disney vacation package. There are lots of good reasons and it is really very easy to do.
Which package is for you?
At Disney-Timeshare-sale.com we work with owners to market their Disney vacation package timeshare and get it sold at quickly as possible. Most people realize that buying a timeshare on the resale market it a great deal and they look to us to help them decide what type works best for them.
Remember, you are an owner of a piece of valuable time that is deeded. That is good news! Just like selling any other type of property, there are some hoops to jump through. We do this every day so we know exactly how to get the job accomplished.

We market the timeshare for you and wait for an offer. When someone is interested, the offer is sent directly to you. If you accept it, you have a deal. If not, you negotiate or wait for the next offer. This might take a day or several months, but it can also happen rather quickly.
The Walt Disney vacation club has the first right of refusal. That simply means, they can buy the timeshare if they choose. To the owner, it really doesn’t make a difference. Either way they will get the same price.
Since this is a real estate transaction it will have to go through escrow. That can take up to eight weeks. There are usually papers to be signed and notarized. It can all be done by mail. It is a very simple process.
If the timeshare is financed, that is not a problem. The balanced owed will be deducted from the sale at the time of closing.
It is possible to only sell part of the ownership. That is the beauty of the point system. Maybe you realize you have more points than you need and you want to sell part of them. We can help you do that. You still have all the wonderful things a Disney Vacation package can offer, yet fewer points. It is a win-win situation.
Don’t forget you can always bank and borrow points. If you cannot travel for a while, just let the points build up. Maybe you want to get a larger unit this year because all the grandkids are coming; they borrow some points from the next years. This is such a flexible plan.
If you have any questions or concerns about your vacation package, just give us a call. There is never any obligation. Time-shares are a great investment and the best part is that it is always possible to sell them just like any other investment. Call us today and see what your options are.